Types of Pruning

Types of Pruning

There are many types of pruning. Different plants require different techniques. There are three primary purposes for pruning: improving structure, reducing risk, and controlling size. Regardless of the purpose of the pruned cut, the process must be done carefully to minimize the risk of secondary pests and maximize the overall health of your shrubs. While you should not use pruning to fix mistakes in your planning, the right technique can maximize the blooming and fruit production of your plants.

Some trees can benefit from pruning throughout the year, but the best time to do it is in the spring and late fall. Branches should be trimmed back about half their length before the tree grows back. Depending on the species, it is best to prune trees in the spring before new growth begins. Winter-flowering shrubs, on the other hand, should be pruned in the early spring. But if you want to avoid the pain of a severe tree, you should try to make the cut in the winter, and summer-flowering trees should be pruned in late winter or early spring.

There are four types of pruning. Formative structural pruning is the most common, and it is a preferred method over removing large, poorly placed branches on mature trees. This form of pruning is also known as “self-pruning.” This type of cutting is usually done in the spring or late winter, as the plant starts to grow new growth after the winter. This is referred to as abscission, and it occurs naturally.

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