If you’ve had a tree removed from your property, you might be wondering what happens to the wood afterwards. This process is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. It can also pose challenges, like terrain. In some cases, you may be forced to remove a tree for safety reasons, but you’d rather not risk the trees’ health. Here’s what happens to the wood after a tree removal.
The tree is sliced away flush with the trunk and branch collar. The collar is the chemically-protected zone that’s located at the base of the branch. The decay then advances into the interior protected zone, where it meets weak wood. This is where the branch falls away. Depending on the circumstances, the wood is walled-off and left to fall naturally.
Professional tree services will remove and dispose of the wood following the removal of the tree. The process is conducted according to the standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and should adhere to best management practices. Typically, a tree removal is completed in two or three stages. The first stage is removing the tree. Afterwards, a company may have to put up ‘NO PARKING’ signs in the area where the tree was removed.